Sunday, August 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today Grandmom/Mom is 54 going on 30 (Luis scored some brownie points last night using this remark!). So far it's been a great day- Luis made omelettes for all of us and I decorated a little breakfast tray with flowers from the garden (it looked quite "chic" if I say so myself). We went to Mass and are heading out soon to explore the winery in Chaddsford and look forward to a meal at a bistro nearby. Yesterday we celebrated with the Anthonys, Grandma & Charlie. It was a "skit worthy" visit with all sorts of fun one liners (to be blogged about later) complete with a very late night departure. There was Olympic game watching, flashlight tag, snacking on cereal and lots of great conversation in the late hours of the night. Anyhow, today is the real birthday during which we are honoring Mom for who she is. There's been some quite unlikely weather including rainstorms and hail. Right now Mom is searching the sky for a rainbow- but we all know she's loved by us and God regardless of if there's a rainbow on her birthday!...
Ta Ta for now.


Lorrie and Fred said...

Thank you Carolyn for your love! I was extremely excited when we walked outside after dinner and there was "my " rainbow! Thank you Lord! Love always, Mom

our little brown life said...

Yes Mom- that rainbow was incredible! Just for you I think. I snapped one pic for you from the car.

teresa anthony said...


We had such a wonderful time celebrating the gift of your life yesterday, with you and Fred, Greg, Carolyn, Luis, John Paul, Gabe, Monica, Grammy and Mr. Charlie.

Say a little prayer for Benny. He had a bad night last night and this morning I brought him into the doctor and confirmed what I started thinking yesterday - another ear infection. The good news about that is its obviously not contagious, so hopefully no sweet little Brown kiddos will get sick.

Love you all, and thanks for giving the Anthony's a fabulous day!

Unknown said...

A big shout out to all those Flashlight tag players.

That was truly a memorable game, and Max, way to hold your own.