Sunday, September 7, 2008

Back to Schooling

Thank you all for responding to the post below about MiddleEarth. It's a theme worth pondering that I'll probably want to post on again and again. Perhaps it's my attempt to escape into delusional thinking??? Just kidding. Our life here is quite good despite the emotional turmoil I've admitted to over the past week. What can I say? I'm a self proclaimed Drama Queen. It's in my genetic composition.
This is our first full week of school. Our school plan for the year only fell into place a couple of weeks ago.
Frankly, schooling has been something I've obsessed about since John Paul was an infant. I've taken Montessori classes, read way too many books on many different homeschooling methods, purchased over 2 different preschool curriculums to try at home, toured different schools in the area...and pretty much exhausted myself in this pursuit.
I have no long term plan at this point. I've only come to the realization that this year I don't want to be alone. Last year was wonderful with very few commitments and long days at home with the boys while Monica napped like a champion. But this year we're all ready for a little more.
The school of our parish is very good but the preschool is 5 days a week. I could not come to peace with the 5 day a week schedule no matter how hard I tried.
So 2 weeks ago I decided to think outside the box. I enrolled us in a small Catholic academy that's 10 miles away. It's in a humble building and only graduates about 10 kids a year. The curriculum is focused on the "word becoming flesh," hence the name "Angelus Academy." The preschool program loosely uses the Montessori method while maintaining some actual structure. Two days a week (Mon & Tues.) I'll drop John Paul off where he'll be in a classroom setting for 3 hours. Wednesdays we have off. Thursdays and Fridays we're in a Co-op program during which I'll bring all of the kids and work with other Moms to follow the programs that have been planned. This is what I'm most attracted to. I get to show up and learn from other more experienced mothers and teachers! I feel a burden lifted.
So we're in for a trial year. And I'm honestly looking forward to the growth and challenge of it all.
Last week the Co-op had not started. Because of Labor day John Paul only went to school on Tuesday. Luis came with us to drop him off. John Paul was hesitant and wanted to observe everyone for awhile. But after about 15 minutes he was ready to jump in. I had a lump in my throat for the entire 3 hours...this I'm realizing is quite normal thank God. When I picked him up he seemed invigorated. What's even better is that he sang the whole way home.
Ahhhh, if only Mommy could switch emotions that easily!


The Schultz Family said...

This sounds wonderful, Cal! I'm impressed that you worked to find a place that felt right with your family. I've always said that there is never one "right" way of doing things; every family has to figure out what works for them.

Oh and by the way, as to your question below, I would choose Rivendell. Elves, elves, and more elves! Singing, drinking, poetry! And besides, in Rivendell, I could walk on top of the snow and commune with the trees. Cool!

But when things get too heady with the poetry and all, I'd go wander off to the Shire and spend an evening at the Green Dragon. Maybe the rest of you hobbits can meet me there.

teresa anthony said...


What a neat school set up it sounds like you have.

I did a co-op preschool with Cecilia, and it was a truly fantastic experience for her and me.

And I definitely got a lump in my throat the first few times I dropped her off at other mom's houses.

In fact your post on 9/11 got me thinking about how Cecilia was at another mom's house for preschool on that Tuesday morning, and I remember how all I wanted to do when I heard about the Twin Towers, was rush over and pick her up and have all my family together. It was a scary time.

Love you a lot.
