Friday, February 13, 2009

You know it's Friday night when...

You just know it's been a long week or it's just been a tiring day when...
You're kneeling by your kids' beds at night thinking you should pray night prayers. Your husband initiates by making the sign of the Cross...
He then starts "Bless us Oh Lord..."
You join with him in this GRACE BEFORE MEALS
all the way to the AMEN
and then you both look at each other realizing what you did.
You shrug it off with a little chuckle.
The kids don't even notice.
You pray an Our Father and say good night.
Such was our Friday night this February 13, 2009.


Jen Heil said...

by the way, the matthew heils do that all the least I'll speak for myself!!!!

xoxo and happy v-day browns,

Unknown said...

been there, and DONE THAT! more times than i'd like to admit.

Anonymous said...

yeah, gotta say that we do that at least twice a week...!!!!! Sharon usually stops us though!
can't wait to see you guys in a month!!!

Unknown said...

We made up for it by reciting the Our Father at a restaurant with 11 people at the table.....everyone joined in even after we realized :)

Catherine Berg said...

Too funny... thanks for sharing! These Bergs have been there too... love you guys!